Prayers, Welcome song & Activities Helpers Flag
Circle Time:
Line Leader
Calendar-Shape, Color, Number, Letter Snack
Unit Introduction and discussion
Some of our units are: Western, Penguins, Healthy Foods, Space, Transportation, Frogs, & Insects. A new unit & letter are done each week. The number, color, & shape change monthly.
Songs, Movement, Finger Plays
CeRecess: Snack/Story Time:
Bible Time: Show & Tell:
*Time spent in circle time varies from beginning of the year to the end (15-30 minutes).
Children are encouraged to visit each center during this time. All children will participate at the art table. We have the following centers every day.
Dramatic play Home living Blocks Puzzles/Games
Books Drawing Easel Manipulatives
Outside playground (weather permitting), indoor playroom or gym.
Every class period, one child provides a snack to share with his/her classmates. Each child will have several opportunities to share snack throughout the year. During snack we read a book that pertains to our unit.
We read a bible story or devotion each week & have a bible verse for the month.
We have Show & Tell several times a month and we note on the monthly calendar the Show & Tell theme for the week.
Special Fun Events:
Parties: A few parents volunteer to help plan and facilitate our parties.
1.) Fall 2.) Happy Birthday Jesus 3.) Valentines
Special Events: Pumpkin Patch Field Trip Thanksgiving Feast Christmas Program Grocery Store Field Trip Birthdays: Each child will have the opportunity to celebrate their birthday or half birthday.
Learning to wash hands on their own, especially after use of bathroom
Learning to put on coats and hang them up in proper place
Learning to put away toys in organized manner
Learning appropriate times to speak in group time-listen while others speak
Learning to raise quiet hand to speak
Social Development:
Learning to solve problems with peers
Learning to wait for their turn
Learning to interact in conversations with teachers and peers in appropriate way